Project Description
Convoy of Hope has been a huge blessing to millions of people here and around the world. Convoy has become one of the leading suppliers of first response relief to many of the natural disasters that we have experienced over the past years. They provide regular food distributions to every State in the US and to many inner cities around the world. They also feed over 150,000 children daily in Haiti, Kenya, the Philippines and Central American through their Children Feeding Initiatives.
What makes Convoy of Hope different is they do this great work on a very low overhead. Currently 90% of donated money goes directly to the areas of need. They have great resources for supplies and in most cases the supplies are donated. In the past for selected needs, such as the Tsunami and Katrina, Convoy has partnered Kingdom Investors and helped us deliver supplies to devastated areas with no overhead. That has been a wonderful blessing to Kingdom Investors as it has allowed us to participate in first relief efforts and maintain our policy of no overhead used from our Investors’ donations.
For disaster relief, a full packed tractor trailer or shipping container will hold about $40,000 dollars worth of supplies. With Convoys leverage, that container will cost a sponsor only about $7,000 to fill and deliver. That is huge bang for the buck, and a great investment. Kingdom Investors goal is to be able to provide up to 4 containers per year for disaster relief here and around the world if the need arises.
Kingdom Investors also holds Food packing events where we package healthy rice based meals in an assembly line fashion. Convoy will then pick up the food and deliver it to a 3rd world school through their Children s Feeding Initiative, where the food will be used not only to feed children, but also as an incentive for parents to send there children to school. Last year we packaged and sent 92,000 meals through Convoy. we hope to match that again this year.
This year we our looking to build on our relationship with Convoy of Hope by not only using them as our conduit for disaster relief but also to partner with them in their “One Day To Feed The World” campaign. This is the vehicle that funds the Children’s Feeding Initiatives mentioned above. Each year on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving we are asking all of our partners, friends and investors to give one day of their wages to go toward these feeding programs. Please plan on partnering with us to increase the number of starving children we can feed. When donations are made for Convoy of Hope through Kingdom Investors, we have donors that will cover Convoys 10% overhead, so all of your money goes to help the needy.
Please keep Convoy of Hope in your prayers and think of them for your disaster relief giving. You can visit their web site at Together we can do great things