Project Description
Orphanage and Children’s AIDS Clinic
Great opportunities await us in Africa this year. Aaron and Heather Santmyire are a young couple with a vision to help young children with AIDS and HIV. Aaron has a medical background and Heather was raised in Kenya and has a wonderful heart for children. They lived in the Bowie area during 2003, raising funds to go to Africa and start this work. Since 2004, they have been living in Africa, working with children’s orphanages and the mobile clinic. In 2007, Kingdom Investors helped provide this mobile clinic, pictured on the left. In 2015 we are committed to raising $12,000 for the ongoing work at the orphanage and mobile clinic.
Again this year will also be supplying water filters and buckets to women and children in African villages. Filters are $50 Buckets are $5.
These projects are a great support to the people of these areas, as they provide a safe refuge and a message of hope for children and parents who have no hope at all.
Mobile Health Center and Orphanage—$12,000
Water filters – $50.00 each
Water Buckets—$5.00 each