Beauty For Ashes

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Beauty For Ashes2017-08-16T18:21:19+00:00

Project Description

Last week Donna and I had a chance to Visit Beauty for Ashes in Fredericksburg Virginia. BFA is a one of a kind a women’s Teen Challenge center. It is a home for Moms and their babies that Kingdom Investors is proud to support. Cindy Zello is the founder of BFA. You might remember Cindy from last year’s golf tournament. Since 1996 she has had a vision to help women break addictions, to learn to be good mothers and lead productive lives. Last October that vision became reality in a big way as she opened Beauty for Ashes. The miracles that took place to bring this to fruition are too many to tell here, but there is no question God has taken a person who wanted to make a difference and put all the pieces together for her to do just that.

They have 6 women and 7 babies now living in this beautiful house. They are in job training classes as well as bible studies and mothering classes. The young families will live in the house rent free for 12 to 18 months and hopefully in that time learn the skills needed to live on their own and take their place in society.

This spring Cindy and her daughter delivered a 2 lb. baby boy on their front porch to a mother that was in a state of shock, (having just been sent home from the hospital). I’m glad to tell you that we got to meet mom and baby last week and they are doing great at BFA.

As Kingdom Investors we are so proud to be able to partner with people like Cindy with Beauty for Ashes and help make a difference in the lives of these young moms and babies. If you would like more information on BFA please check out the BFA website at

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